Asbestos Testing
Asbestos Testing
Asbestos Testing
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PLM Asbestos Testing
PLM Asbestos Testing
PLM Asbestos Testing
Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM) for asbestos in bulk samples:
EPA/600/R-93/116 Method.
Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM ) analysis is performed to identify, classify and quantify Asbestos fiber concentration in bulk building materials, domestic & Industrial insulations, sprayed & non-sprayed plasters, coatings, ceiling & flooring materials, Floor tiles, caulks and adhesives.
Point Count:
This method is used to quantify Asbestos fibers in bulk materials at a lower detection limit using PLM microscope. Point Count provides detection limit of 0.25%. Phase Contrast Microscopy (PCM):
NIOSH 7400 Method.
PCM analysis is performed to measure fiber concentrations in Clearance, Personal and Ambient air samples during and after abatement.
Asbestos – Bulk ID (PLM)
Asbestos – Fiber Count (PCM)
Asbestos – Bulk Point Count
Asbestos – Wipe Samples Bulk or PLM
Airborne and Bulk Asbestos Analysis
Asbestos / Indoor Air Quality Testing Performed at our Lab
Utilizing EPA methods, we offer the capability to analyze Asbestos Bulk (PLM) samples, Fiber Count (PCM), Bulk Point Count, and Wipe Samples by PLM.
X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis is available.
To learn more about the XRD analysis performed at our lab, please contact our Project
– mainly mineral identification used for silica in bulk and air samples and materials deposited inside pipes and vessels.
To learn more about the XRD analysis performed at our lab, please contact our Project Managers at 713-453-6060 or
- Asbestos – Bulk ID (PLM)
- Asbestos – Fiber Count (PCM)
- Asbestos – Bulk Point Count
- Asbestos – Wipe Samples Bulk or PLM
- Airborne and Bulk Asbestos Analysis
To learn more about the XRD analysis performed at our lab, please contact our Project Managers at 713-453-6060 or

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
For most materials we need 1 to 10 grams of sample. For a visual idea this can be thought of as a 1 inch by 1 inch square or 2 teaspoons of loose material.
For collecting airborne asbestos for PCM testing, you will need a calibrated pump to collect the air, a 25 mm air monitoring PCM cassette with a 0.8 MCE Filter to capture the fibers and a connector to attach the cassette to the pump. We have pumps and media available if notification is given in advance.
Airborne fiber analysis is needed to determine the concentration of airborne respirable fibers. However, PCM testing DOES NOT differentiate between asbestos fibers and other types such as fiberglass and cellulose.
We have a licensed asbestos and mold consultant on staff that is available for commercial inspections. We DO NOT offer residential inspections.